While some of the stocks targeted by the fishery are in good condition (being fully exploited or less), there are concerns regarding the over-exploitation of some others. Specifically, the stock status of sardinella and ethmalose requires careful attention to ensure the sustainable management of this fishery.
The fishery management plan was completely revised and updated in 2022, and was approved and implemented in November 2022. Since then it has set the guiding principles for the management of the fishery, but full implementation of all elements of the plan is challenging.
The overexploitation and the reduction of the biomass of the targeted species, main source of predators (demersal and pelagic fish, seabirds and marine mammals in particular), have a considerable impact on the integrity of the ecosystem.
Serious management strategy is based on the availability of reliable data and statistics. Thus, the priority of the FIP Small Pelagics in Mauritania, since its inception, mainly consists in supporting the IMROP (Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches) data collection system. The FIP also provides financial support to support the existing means of the IMROP and to monitor the small pelagic fishery as well as all the species targeted by the FIP.
With this in mind, the FIP action plan has been updated to take into account the most recent assessment of the fishery against the MarinTrust standard, an eco-label for fishmeal and fish oil fisheries (FMFO), and an MSC pre-assessment.
Improve the data collection on catches and biomass for the coastal/small pelagic fleet
Assist the government in the implementation of a small pelagic management plan
Ensure that the fishery follows an eco-systemic approach
Support the government and scientists in the cooperation with neighboring countries (Morocco and Senegal) for the management of shared stocks
Support monitoring and control on board and in factories
Evaluate by-catch, discards and interactions with vulnerable habitats
Improve direct and indirect stock assessments
Focus the fishery on human consumption market and orient the fish meal towards waste valorization
Establish a management system for the FIP to implement the above actions
One of the difficulties in the management of small pelagics in Mauritania lies in the fact that the majority of the targeted stocks are shared with neighboring countries. Therefore, beyond a national strategy, it is necessary to strengthen bilateral collaborations for a concerted management, in particular with Senegal for sardinella and Morocco for sardines.
Finally, the FIP includes an important social component. The entire fishery has been subject to an independent social audit by external experts from Partner Africa. Based on this audit, we are working with Partner Africa and IMROP to develop a social workplan for the FIP, on the same basis as the environmental workplan presented above.